Meet The Daemonite: Victor Szewczenko

Hi, I’m Victor Szewczenko, and I am currently working as a Principal Consultant at Daemon. I joined Daemon in 2021, and it has been an incredible journey so far.

How did your career begin?

After graduating from university in electrical and information engineering, I began my career by opening a software development company with some fellow graduates. Our main client was in the financial sector in the then burgeoning industry of remittances in and out of South Africa.

I spent many years in this space (working initially for myself, but then also for several other South African remittance companies), becoming a subject matter expert in both the technology and regulatory aspects of this industry. I transitioned to various roles, including Senior Engineer at Seecrypt (military grade encrypted comms), Technical, Principal Engineer at BVNK (core banking and digital assets), before joining Daemon as a Principal consultant.

What is your day-to-day like at Daemon? 

My typical day starts with a coffee that my wife, dog, and I share. We wake up early so we can start the day together and take a moment to enjoy the gifts of our home. It sets the tone for the day rather than rushing into everything. Olive, my dog and co-engineer, loves (demands) a run around the gardens at midday, which is a great break for me. I’m currently working on developing a private cloud for a client, which is very exciting because I get to think about and implement cloud services that people take for granted these days. As someone who loves engineering and difficult challenges, this is very rewarding.

What advice would you give to others? 

To anyone starting out, I would say, “don’t take shortcuts”. Take the time to learn and practice fundamental principles. Read the book on a subject, not just the Stack overflow solution to the problem you are trying to solve. We live in a time where access to information and solutions is unparalleled. AI is only likely to accelerate this even further. However, this makes individuals who understand their domain and can solve novel or new problems increasingly precious. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that engineering is a team sport. Take time to nurture relationships and cultivate yourself in the art of inter-human affairs. 

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Outside of work, I love nature, hiking, cooking, and traveling. My wife and I (and doggie, too, when possible) are avid travelers and delight in experiencing cultures worldwide. I benefit immensely from spending as much time as possible outside of a digital context in my personal time. Although, I also grew up playing computer games, in particular strategy games. I'm an avid fan of Civilizations 6. The turn-based nature of the game also enables my wife and I to play together, and it's something we both delight in on a rainy day. I am also a keen Philosophy student, deeply inspired by highly cultivated historical leaders and mystics, such as Marcus Aurellias. 

Here’s a fun fact about me: I know Kung Fu. I have trained for approximately 12 years in various styles. Plus, I have a hidden talent for learning spoken languages. I was lucky to grow up bilingual, with both English and Polish at home. This sparked a love for linguistics and a keen talent for learning new languages.

Looking ahead, I aim to continue to refine the art that is the craft of software engineering and interpersonal relations. I hope to become a true Philosopher King to my family, my friends, and my fellow man. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. 

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