Why Meetups are so valuable for the tech community

Remote work has transformed the nature of employment. Nowhere is this truer than in the tech industry. 

Over two thirds of the world’s tech employees now work remotely at least some of the time, the highest percentage of any industry. This figure is even higher in the UK, where 75% of tech workers follow a hybrid working model. 

At Daemon, we welcome the flexibility of remote working, but we’re also committed to preserving and strengthening our company culture. Tech meetups are a great way to do this as they allow Daemonites and other tech workers to get together, share ideas and draw inspiration from one another. 


How does Daemon get involved?

image (3)We encourage Daemonites to attend as many meetups as possible, but we also make a special effort to organise and sponsor meetups of our own. We are proud sponsors of an in-person AI and Deep Learning meetup with over 3,000 members. Past speakers have included Datasparq, Cisco and Capgemini, and all events are streamed live or available to watch on YouTube. Our sponsorship provides support to this valuable community, and aligns with our own beliefs about the importance of giving back.

Join our AI and Deep Learning Meetup

Daemon also holds an internal meetup, where colleagues can get together in a more relaxed setting. Held at the end of the workday extending into the evening, our meetup builds internal networks, whilst showcasing internal projects and successes.

Alongside these, we work with the charity named Codebar to run free workshops for minorities in tech. We provide the venue for these sessions as well as volunteering our time to coach the attendees. Naomi Pearse is a Daemon Analyst Consultant and regular meetup attendee. These sessions were a big help for Naomi, and now she’s helping others as a coach:

“Codebar pairs volunteer coaches with students, and Daemon provides a place for them to do this. I got involved as a student and then transitioned into being a coach. It’s rewarding to see how much of an impact you can have in just a couple of hours.”

Connect with Naomi on LinkedIn


Why are meetups so important?

Meetups are a great way to check in with peers. There are many benefits to this, both socially and professionally. There are hundreds of regular tech meetups across the UK, covering every conceivable aspect of the industry. Some are focused on specific areas such as AI or JavaScript, while others are more general. Most meetups follow a similar structure- one or more speeches or presentations followed by an informal chat session with food and drink. 

Meetups are a valuable learning experience.

Meetups often feature speeches and presentations from some of the industry’s leading lights, allowing attendees to absorb valuable knowledge and stay up to date with the latest developments. Naomi Pearse tells us, this kind of knowledge sharing benefits everyone: 

“Tech is a fast changing industry and it’s easy to get left behind. Meetups are a  great place to see what other people are working on, and this allows you to stay ahead of what’s going on and sustain your career.”


image (1)Meetups are a great networking opportunity.

Networking is a vital part of tech and meetups play an important role in this. They serve as both a shop window for companies that are hiring, and a way for job hunters to meet potential employers. They also allow people already working in the industry to meet and discuss potential collaborations. As Naomi tells us, doing this at a meetup can be much more productive than attending a more formal networking event:

“A lot of networking events can feel quite pressured, but meet-ups are really informal. Everyone there has a shared interest so there’s always something to talk about. It’s a much more comfortable environment for people who struggle to network.” 

Book your space at our next Meetup


Meetups provide support and a sense of belonging.

The tech industry sometimes struggles to foster a sense of community, and meetups are a great way to remedy this. Meeting fellow tech professionals face to face reminds attendees that they are part of something bigger, both within their own companies and in the industry as a whole. As someone who came to tech after a career change, this aspect of meetups was invaluable for Naomi:

“I came into tech from design and I was initially enrolled in a remote course. Meetups became a way for me to meet people in the industry and make connections. They allowed me to top up my course by implementing what I was learning in real life scenarios.” 

Our culture is important to us at Daemon, and meetups are just one of the ways in which we encourage a sense of community. For news on our latest events, follow us on LinkedIn. If you’re interested in joining the Daemon family, take a look at our careers page


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